BME Department of Environmental Economics and Sustainability

Actual News

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Magyar Tudomány article: how the redevelopment of brownfield sites strengthens the circular economy

The study entitled "Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of the Renewal of Urban Brownfield A..

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Book chapter on the possibilities of urban brownfield sites in the service of more liveable cities

The study entitled "Possibilities of urban brownfield sites in the service of more liveable cities"..

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International Think Tank Workshop about circular economy within the NiCE project

Our colleagues introduced their findings at the international Think Tank Workshop on the 5th of Marc..

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New publication in urban studies about local loyalty

„Measuring factors affecting local loyalty based on a correlation network”, a joint publication of D..

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“Our (more) sustainable decisions?” - professional forum and workshop within the framework of the Interreg CE “NiCE” project

The forum and workshop of our Department’s “F-Factor - Sustainability Workshop-series”, titled “Our..

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NiCE: Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE project take-off

From Niche to Centre - City Centres as Places of Circular Lifestyles (NiCE) Interreg Central Euro..

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The history of our Department started in the second half of the last century. One of the first Hungarian researcher groups, analysing the interactions of environment, economy and society, was established in the mid 1970s, within the “Political Economics Department I.” of the Budapest University of Technology. The education of environmental economics started as a sub-topic of economics, but a whole course was started soon. The Faculty of Chemical Engineering launched its “Environmental Engineer Specialist” program in 1974, and we joined this as the “Professional Group of Environmental Economics” in the end of the decade.

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Our Department has had a double mission since its establishment: to contribute to the development of a positive environmental attitude of the students at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and to actively participate in the education of environmental experts (environmental engineers and managers) with up-to-date, scientifically based knowledge. We follow an interdisciplinary approach during our educational and research activities, what is necessary, considering the nature of environmental problems, their impact mechanisms and efficient solution options.

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